Together We Create a Special World!

  • Donate

    The best thing about donating is that it not only makes you feel light but gives you a proud feeling of being helpful to the community and the society. Support us in our noble causes and share your part here.

  • Become A WAHian

    Send us your updated cv or resume to let us know if yoy share the same dream of a better India like us and we will definitely welcome you into our glorious stride. Apply here.

  • Volunteer Your Service

    If you have any skills and are borne with an intuitive to help mankind, you are definitely in the right place. As a start, you can volunteer with us. For details, click here.

  • Sponsor Our Cause

    Your every support and help counts for someone. Remember it! Email: to let us know how you can help!

  • Spread The Word

    Spread the word among your friends, family and group to support us and do your part for the society.
    Join us on Facebook and Twitter.

  • Give Products

    Work alongside us providing your products, services, professional skills and networks to help us fulfil our vision.